I wanted to give anyone interested a quick update. We are back. I have accepted a travel position in Florida and start tomorrow. Yes, you read that right- we jumped out of the (COVID) frying pan and into the (COVID) fire! I have to say from a health standpoint it was probably not the best decision. We came from a continent where most were vaccinated and happy to show their cards attesting to it and all were wearing masks- to the land of personal freedom at the cost of your fellow man. Don’t get me wrong- there are vaccines that I think are ridiculous, chicken pox and Hepatitis B for everyone, for example, but as a society we agreed to give them to our children without argument. THIS one can save lives and we are fighting it?

<Steps off soapbox>

We are in Fort Myers and it’s beautiful. I am NOT a Florida girl, no matter what my birth certificate says. Rob and I were both born here, actually. He even returned for a few years around 30. I have generally avoided the place for decades. I can’t even really tell you why, other than maybe because Disney World is here. I may be the only person alive who hates Disney World. I’ve been several times, as a child and adult, and they are not happy memories. I have many friends who have many wonderful memories there (and one who recently got engaged there!). I am a freak, I know. I can’t help it. Believe me, I want to like the place. It opened just a few months before I was born and my mother has pictures of me visiting as a newborn. I was crying hysterically. It went downhill from there and something catastrophic has happened every single time. A thief stealing all of our valuables, car trouble in the parking lot that took hours to get fixed, a surly teenager who chose to run off and disappear… I would be happy to never return.

<Steps off second soapbox>

But it probably isn’t fair that I have disliked the entire state. And we thought it would be nice to spend some time with Rob’s parents and his daughter, Alicia. So we are in Fort Myers until at least December and we will see where life and work takes us after that. We have put a deposit down on our next trip: a 16 day repositioning cruise that travels from Seattle, to Alaska and Siberia, before ending in Tokyo.

For those of you who are still speaking to me after rants about both vaccines AND Disney, please keep in touch! I’ll update everyone as soon as we know where we are headed next!

Categories: United States

Aimee Wicker

I am Aimee Wicker, wife, mother of 6, Registered Nurse, and obsessive traveler! With most of the children now grown, we are now making plans to travel extensively with the two boys still at home.