
I have seen old things- I have been to Stonehenge and seen Hadrian’s Wall and hieroglyphs and many more amazingly old things. But I had never experienced ancient like Rome. I have never walked down the street and glanced over and just incidentally noted that the ruins next to me Read more…


Gibraltar is different than anything I’ve experienced. It was nice to be somewhere that used English everywhere, but it was so removed from anything that I had ever experienced that I kept finding myself SURPRISED when I encountered English. My number one travel advice for anyone visiting is DO NOT- Read more…

Falling for the Azores

We found several commonalities between the Azores and South Carolina… they have honeysuckle and hydrangeas, as well as quickly changing weather. They also have local aphorisms telling people they “experience all four seasons each day” and that “if you don’t like the weather just wait an hour and it’ll change”. Read more…

Ahoy there!

So, now that we are actually travelling I finally feel safe reporting the details of our trip. I have been wrong so many times because things changed SO MANY TIMES, that I have really been uncomfortable even talking about it— I know some of you who have been subjected to Read more…