When I started this blog in August 2019, the world was a different place. We had all intentions to downsize and be ready to leave on a World Tour by September 2020. We did downsize but, as you probably know, the trip got delayed.
If you didn’t know, PLEASE- STOP READING RIGHT NOW and go back to whatever Shangri-la you have been living in for the last year. You should just continue to imagine that everyone else gets to live an existence that is as blissfully unaware as yours!
For everyone else, I am going to try to catch you up with the abridged version of the past 19 months.
We worked a lot and saved as much as possible, into and through the beginning of COVID. Since we were considered “Essential”, we did not lose income like so many others. By early summer it became obvious that we were not going to leave in September (even if COVID had not happened) and I rescheduled the trip for March 2021.
In August, I said goodbye to my biggest cheerleader and my superhero, my Daddy.

We spent the fall in Myrtle Beach, being thankful for both the beach and the lack of people. Social distancing is easier near the ocean, I think.

By December, however, the need to move on got to me. I accepted a travel position in New Mexico, and we headed west.
We spent a week travelling from SC to NM. We stopped for a final work shift in NC where I had coworkers that I will miss terribly. We visited with MeMa and the cousins in TN.

We drove the length of TN to walk down Beale Street and see the ducks at The Peabody Hotel.

Then drove down to New Orleans for a walk through The Roosevelt Hotel’s Christmas lights and to eat beignets in the Garden District.

We wandered around Austin and rode the riverboat in San Antonio.

It was quite a road trip and we felt like we were in Texas for weeks instead of days because we had huge stretches of open, flat land. But we eventually arrived in New Mexico, which will be our home for a total of 6 months when all is said and done. I will post about several of the places we have seen here and plan to post a few times before we leave May 22nd. Thanks for checking up on us!