A very imperfect picture to illustrate the following point…

Life is not a bowl of cherries and this cannot be a picture perfect vacation no matter how hard I try. Eli brought to my attention that I was glossing over some issues on the blog and so in an effort to keep everything as real and authentic as possible here are some things I have learned:

– When you spend three years saving for, planning, replanning, and looking forward to a trip it will NEVER, EVER live up to the idealized version that you have dreamed about. This will break your heart and, temporarily, your spirit. It becomes a choice to embrace and enjoy the journey you are on- because that one that you’ve fantasized about doesn’t really exist.

– As much as I thought “ten days of quarantine will be worth it”, in the middle of that 10 days I desperately needed antianxiety meds

– People in Europe and the UK do NOT respond to emails and if they do it’s not with a helpful answer. I am losing my mind trying to get some questions answered!

– I have had no success in getting Air Portugal to respond to my complaints regarding the fiasco of our flight here.

– I have found the limit of the number of things I can juggle and am very possibly in over my head…

– My children can fall asleep ANYWHERE… trains, buses, possibly the shower…

– Do not attempt a trip like this with anyone that you are not permanently, irrevocably attached to… because it’s likely that you would leave them on a public bus and make a run for the closest border.

– The old adage to take twice as much money and half as much clothing is absolutely accurate.

– I may shave my head before this is over. Everyone I see has ultra-long, smooth hair and mine is driving me absolutely crazy. I wasted money on a keratin straightening treatment before I left that lasted until the first wash. Since then it has become progressively frizzier. I did not bring a straightener or curling iron and I refuse to spend the money or the time each day. Every single picture will likely have me in a ponytail.

– Trying to eat healthy on vacation is a joke- add two picky kids and it becomes an absolute nightmare.

– There is absolutely no way to be both a fun, spontaneous mom and the trip coordinator. It is just not possible. By the time this is over my family may hate me but they will have seen 49 cities!

– The things the boys are enjoying never ceases to amaze me. As part of their schoolwork, they have to write a journal entry about what we have seen and done each day. (I am so glad that I started this on day 1 because I quickly realized that they have often forgotten by the time we get back to the apartment what we did that day!) The foods and experiences that they write about in their journal will be what they are able to remember in the years to come…. Harrod’s electronics floor, the noodles at Thainese in Camden Market, renting a pedal boat on the Serpentine… these are not the things I would remember but are the experiences that mean more to them.

– We are spoiled, lazy Americans whether we mean to be or not. No matter how much I push to suck the marrow from the bones of this trip, we all are getting tired already and we have 124 days to go.

– I will never be organized enough. Rob has said before that I am the eternal optimist when it comes to organizational supplies. I always think that all I need to get perfectly organized is the right planner. I went through at least 5 different ones trying to get this trip together and my system still isn’t perfect. I spent some time in the Moleskine store today, maybe the answer is there?!

–  I feel really out of touch with everyone back home. Since I do not have work to facilitate interacting with people and am not phoning due to international rates, I have a much smaller circle of people. Due to the time difference and our busy days, I am not even texting and emailing like I normally would. It’s a really strange feeling for me, so please, please, comment, text, email, and keep us in the loop if something changes in your lives! Broadening our horizons will be counterproductive if we lose friends in the process, after all.

– As a sidenote, Eli said that if he died on the ArcelorMittal Orbit he was going to come back and haunt me with the phrase “Broaden your horizons”. He did not die and, in fact, loved it.

It’s not going to be perfect. We may kill each other before this is over. They may dump me in a canal when we get to Amsterdam. I may have a nervous breakdown when we leave London and have to actually drive. But, hopefully, it’ll all be worth it.

It’ll be worth it, right?


Categories: Uncategorized

Aimee Wicker

I am Aimee Wicker, wife, mother of 6, Registered Nurse, and obsessive traveler! With most of the children now grown, we are now making plans to travel extensively with the two boys still at home.


Cassie Smalls · June 27, 2021 at 11:57 pm

I have told you many times before, you amaze me. The mother you are, the wife you are, the friend, the list could go on. So happy for your journey. Nothing has changed in my life but loving reading about your adventures!

    Aimee Wicker · June 28, 2021 at 12:27 am

    Cassie- you can’t see how much is changing in your life but I have seen the pictures and your babies are growing like weeds, girl! You are one of my inspiration moms- you are always so happy to be with your children and that knowledge is an incredible gift that your kids carry. I try to remember that I want mine to know that I enjoy being with them. (Although every minute of every day might have been a slight bit more than they wanted, lol!)

    Doris Carter · June 28, 2021 at 12:33 am

    I just want you to know….just breathe…(just like in L&D ) lol…the labor my be hard but what comes from it will be so worth it.

      Aimee Wicker · June 28, 2021 at 6:19 pm

      LOL- great reminder, Doris! Thank you!

Lisa Padgett · June 28, 2021 at 1:02 am

You may be going crazy, but this trip is epic. No one info your family will ever say they wish they hadn’t gone on this trip. And I am sure that your children will get MUCH more out of this than you’ll ever appreciate. I imagine, that they will compare future trips to this one and then, they may be the ones realizing that it isn’t at all measuring up to the standard that you are now setting. I could not, in a million years, do what you are doing. I am envious and living vicariously through you. Keep your head up, You are an amazing mom!!!

    Aimee Wicker · June 28, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Lisa, why does parenting have to be so hard???? I want to give them everything and make sure they experience everything…. but desperately don’t want them to grow up spoiled and feeling entitled. Hopefully we can figure out that balancing act.

Roni Wicker · June 28, 2021 at 1:10 am

Loved this. I can’t wait to read those journals!!!
Quit obsessing about the hair. We love your curls. Just go for the messy bun and forget it. You have bigger things to worry about; and take it easy. You can’t do it ALL without getting sick so CHILL. P.S., there’s always cute hats! Love you all. MISSING YOU.

    Aimee Wicker · June 28, 2021 at 6:30 pm

    Roni, have you EVER seen me in a hat? NOPE, and there is a reason for that, lol. I have yet to find one that doesn’t make me look like a man. I have threatened to buy one, though!

Karla &Joe Peskuski · June 28, 2021 at 2:54 pm

Hey girl, throw it into a bun and then run. Run to the next event, spot, tourist attraction, where ever. Your on the trip of your dreams, stop stressing and have fun, enjoy watching the boys have fun. Those days you walked 4 flights of stairs in a less oxygenated area should have helped you with trucking around the UK. And if you need some down time. TAKE IT. Sitting around a pool or park one day will not hurt you. I am doing well trying to get permission to go back to work from home part time.

    Aimee Wicker · June 28, 2021 at 6:34 pm

    I told Rob yesterday that stairs do not wind me nearly as much here! I have the same number of stairs to our room here and a VERY slow elevator so we take them frequently and it is so much easier at sea level! Glad that you are doing well but do not rush your return!

BA! · July 7, 2021 at 9:30 pm

Lmk if you need hair styling tips.

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