As the birthplace of Pablo Picasso, I should have expected the quirky beauty of Malaga but I was captivated. There are beaches, shopping, restaurants, and the Pompidou Center (a museum that looks a bit like a rubik’s cube- somehow I failed to get a picture of that!) within walking distance of the port.

We took two cabs, as there wasn’t one big enough for 5, directly to the Museo Automovilistico de Malaga, however – a museum of cars and fashion that I am pretty sure does not exist anywhere else in the world and the only place that I absolutely HAD to see. It may be what my own personal heaven would look like…. Rob and I could have spent all day there and between us took nearly 150 pictures.

The place is filled with classic and concept cars that are amazing alone, but they are displayed with some of the most amazing haute couture clothing, hats, and art that I could ever imagine.

The walk back allowed more exploration of European playgrounds and grocery stores. There were so many playgrounds and outdoor spaces for public use. There were wide bike paths and outdoor gym equipment and shops and restaurants lined the beach. Of course, Rob found a shoe store and the kids found a toy store. I would love to spend more time exploring this gorgeous place.

Categories: Europe

Aimee Wicker

I am Aimee Wicker, wife, mother of 6, Registered Nurse, and obsessive traveler! With most of the children now grown, we are now making plans to travel extensively with the two boys still at home.


Karla & Joe Peskuski · November 26, 2022 at 11:34 pm

Where was Wonder Woman?

    Aimee Wicker · November 27, 2022 at 12:42 am

    Karla- in the very bottom picture, sitting on the front bumper! I doubt I was supposed to do that so don’t tell them if you visit!

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