We have made a hard decision.

We are temporarily throwing in the towel and crying “Uncle”.

It has become an exercise in futility. We are running into new cancellations and rule changes every few days and nobody seems to know what to do or what the newest requirements are.

We changed the schedule and came to France when Amsterdam, Brussels, and Berlin would not allow us in after being in the UK. But now the Czech Republic will not let us in because we have been in France. And Romania has decided they will not let us in, which means that if we cannot get IN to Bucharest, we cannot fly OUT of Bucharest to Istanbul.

On Tuesday we left the Loire Valley to travel to Rouen, in Normandy. What we did not know until Tuesday morning was that on Monday, a new rule was enacted that required a French Health Pass to travel on public transportation or eat in restaurants. We went to a Pharmacy to have the form created but they were not able to create it because we are not French and therefore, do not have a health number. We were told we would have to obtain ours from the American Embassy.

In Paris.

Which we could not get to.

We did get to Normandy, only marginally late, but only by being tested again, and frankly these tests are getting expensive. We spent the day dealing with the red tape, however, and then arrived, frazzled and hungry… to find a massive snafu had occurred with our Air B&B and the key was not in the lock box. It was 11 pm and nobody was answering the phone.

We met a lovely couple, Karla and Moev, who chauffeured us around the city and acted as translators. The next morning the property manager made everything right with the apartment and we were able to find a Pharmacist who knew how to make the Health Pass for non-Frenchpersons. So it isn’t like it’s NOT doable… it’s just that it’s a pretty miserable process to schedule and reschedule and plan just to replan. And I feel like we are hemorrhaging money because we lose a little (or sometimes a lot!) every time we have to reschedule at the last minute.

It is neither enjoyable nor relaxing at this point.

And if I’m going to work this hard, I should be getting paid.

We have discussed this as a family every night for the past two weeks. Rob and I are doing our best to keep decisions democratic. I do not want this to feel like a forced march. And by now we all want to come home.

Even me.

Well, me a little less than the rest of the family.

So we will finish our time in Rouen— which is amazing, by the way— and spend a few days in Paris. Then we will fly home.

We will resume our trip in 2022. We have a tentative outline and expect to leave the west coast in October 2022 headed to Asia, then Africa, and then back to Europe.

I am not going to stop the blog just yet. I will be posting on Rouen soon and then about Paris next week, as well as a post or two with odds and ends and lessons learned. Also, we will continue to travel when we return to the US, as I am looking for another travel assignment. I hope you guys will stick this out with us and stay tuned!

Categories: EuropeFrance

Aimee Wicker

I am Aimee Wicker, wife, mother of 6, Registered Nurse, and obsessive traveler! With most of the children now grown, we are now making plans to travel extensively with the two boys still at home.


Susan Dew · August 13, 2021 at 9:34 am

You guys are AMAZING!

    Aimee Wicker · August 13, 2021 at 11:56 pm

    Aww, thank you. We have seen and done some amazing things and are making a concerted effort to focus on how lucky we are, instead of what we are missing. We are weighing schooling options for the boys- maybe next time you should just travel along with us and tutor them!

Elyse · August 13, 2021 at 5:09 pm

Aw man, I just found you! (Homeschool freethinkers, I think?). Anyway, I’d actually love to chat; I’m an RN as well and summers in our area have become intolerable with smoke. We are in the pre contemplation phase of purging and traveling, US at first until the pandemic settles out and then hopefully internationally. Would love to hear your process…

    Aimee Wicker · August 13, 2021 at 11:51 pm

    Glad you found us! I sent you an email so you would have mine. I’m happy to answer any questions I can.

    No matter how messed things ended up, I wholeheartedly believe in the idea!


Karla & Joe Peskuski · August 14, 2021 at 2:12 pm

Joe and I are both sad and relieved that you decided to postpone. Things are scary these days with the requirements changing here in the US alone. This will give the other countries time to figure it out.

Linda · August 15, 2021 at 12:59 pm

I am so sorry about your trip. It’s just a crazy time at the moment. It’s a good thing you intend to practicing our family motto…”there is a way and we never give up, we just need to find it”. Be safe and stay healthy…I am excited about your future plans! ….uh, don’t forget the castle.

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